Benefits of Copper Water:
The water stored overnight in a Copper Bottle has Ayurvedic Health Benefits, which aid in preventing Heart Conditions and Maintaining Cardiovascular Health It also helps prevent cancer. regulates the functioning of the thyroid glands. helps prevent water-borne illness, assists in weight loss, and assists in controlling women's healthy menstrual cycles.
Cleaning Instructions:-
Make sure you clean all the interior of your bottles using lemon juice and hot water.
There is no other chemical that needs to be used. On the outside, it can be cleaned with normal dishwashing fluid and a soft cloth to protect against scratches
Copper is a smooth, mutable, ductile metal with exceptional thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly exposed pure copper layer is pinkish-orange in colour. All copper products at Images Handicrafts is 100%. Real copper can be identified by the tarnished look after a while while synthetic copper will completely loose its colour. Real copper can be "brought back to life" with simple remedies. Water purification occurs naturally when it is stored in a copper vessel. It can kill all of the micro - organisms, algae, fungi, bacteria, and moulds that can be harmful to the body in water, making it safe to drink. Purification occurs after several hours of storing water in the Copper vessel.